Our affiliation with the Archdiocese of Kampala had its beginning in the Fall of 2013 when St. Bartholomew Parish in Needham, MA. began a fundraising campaign, Safe Water for Ugandan 

schools, to dig a well at St. Francis Secondary School in rural Kankobe, Uganda.  With the money that we raised we were able to complete 6 water projects.  After Barbara's first trip to Uganda our Mission expanded to raising money for scholarships as well.

In the spring of 2017, the decision was made to establish an independent 501(C)3 foundation, the Andrew Kaggwa Foundation, Inc. to enable us to expand our commitment to the Education Office of the Archdiocese of Kampala to better meet the needs of the students and allow for more fundraising opportunities.

The Foundation is named for St. Andrew Kaggwa, one of the Ugandan Martyrs, and the Patron Saint of Education in Uganda.

The First Well.
The First Well.