We received this note from a recipient of a Days for Girls kit.

What is "Days for Girls"?

Days For Girls is an international, non-profit Organization that provides  reproductive system and feminine health instruction to girls in impoverished third world countries around the globe.  In addition to the basic health information, they also suggest ways to keep healthy and free from disease.  

Many girls in these countries miss up to one week a month due to their menstrual cycle.  Days for girls supplies these girls with reusable sanitary pad kits which, if they take care of them, should last up to 3 years. 

What do we do?

We provide the materials to make the kits.  We also cut out the material and sew the sanitary pad holders and hem the absorbent, flannel sanitary pads.  We h put together the kits which we hand out to the girls and also sew attractive yet inconspicuous bags to carry and store the kits.  Each kit contains 2 leak-resistant sanitary pad holders, 4 flannel pads, 2 pair of underpants, a leak-proof plastic bag to hold the soiled pads until they can be washed and a bar of soap.

We take the kits into the schools where we distribute the kits to those girls who need them.  We also give  the basic educational program which was designed by Days for Girls. 

What can you do?

The materials to make each kit costs approximately $10.  Any donation to help defray the cost of the kits would be very much appreciated.  Make your check out to The Andrew Kaggwa Foundation and mail it  c/o Barbara Dury to 989 East St. Apt 103, Dedham, MA. 02026.